Research & References
Evidence-Based Research Related to AOOTM Procedure
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- Abstracts (J
Dental Research)
- Poster Presentations
- Biology Related:
- Clinical Related:
Wilcko WM, Ferguson DJ Bouquot,
JE, Wilcko MT: Rapid orthodontic decrowding with alveolar augmentation:
Case report, with alveolar augmentation: Case report, World J Ortho
4:197-205, 2003.
Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT, Bouquot JE, Ferguson DJ: Rapid Orthodontics with Alveolar
Reshaping: Two Case Reports of Decrowding. Internat J Perio & Restor Dent
21 (1):9- 19, 2001. (also in Germany)
Machado IM, Ferguson DJ, Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT: Reabsorcion radicular despues
del tratamiento ortodoncico con o sin corticotomia alveolar. Rev Venezuela
Ortho 19:647-653, 2002.
Ferguson DJ: Risk, rate and stability of corticotomy-facilitated orthodontics.
Orthodontics Select 3:1-4, 2002.
Ferguson DJ, Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT: Accelerating orthodontics by altering alveolar
bone density. Good Practice, 2:2-4, 2001.
Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT, Bouquot JE, Ferguson DJ: Rapid Orthodontics with
Alveolar Reshaping: Two Case Reports of Decrowding. Interna J Perio & Restor
Dent 21 (1):9-19, 2001. (also in Germany)
Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT, Ferguson DJ, Bouquot JE: Accelerated orthodontics with
alveolar reshaping: Two case reports. J Ortho Practice (Japanese) 11:63-70,