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Wilckodontics® Print Advertisements Program

Wilckodontics® Certified Professionals can now create personalized print advertisements online. There are 30 advertisements to choose from. The program will allow you to save a high-quality image file to your computer for use in print publications. You may also print a copy. Once you are sure your computer meets the system requirements to run the program, complete the registration form for a password.

System Requirements
The print advertisements program will run on a PC or Macintosh. Your system will need to meet the requirements listed below. If you plan to print the advertisements, an inkjet or laser printer will be required. Some older laser printers may not have enough memory to print the advertisements


  • Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
  • 128 megabytes of memory
  • Any one of the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, Mozilla 1.6 or higher, or Netscape Navigator 7 or higher
  • Java 1.4 or higher (free download)


  • OS X 10.2 or higher
  • Java 1.4 or higher (free download or if you are using OS X 10.3(Panther), Java 1.4 is already on your system)
  • 256 megabytes of memory
  • Safari Web browser (Internet Explorer and Netscape will NOT work)

Print Advertisements Specifications
The advertisements are saved to your computer as a JPEG image file. You can supply the file a publication by email or by saving it to a CD. Most of the ad files are too large for a floppy disk. The actual size of each advertisement is listed in the program. The file specifications are listed below:

  • File Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: 300 dpi (dots-per-inch)
  • Color mode: CMYK or RGB - You can select either mode when saving the advertisement. CMYK is recommended for use in print publications. Use RGB if you would like to print the advertisement on a digital photo machine. If you save a Grayscale(a.k.a. black & white) advertisement, you will not be asked for a color mode. It will be saved as grayscale.


Related Information:
- Instructions
- Registration Form

Wilckodontics® is a registered trademark, and Accelerated Osteogenic OrthodonticsTM and AOOTM are trademarks of Wilckodontics, Inc. Copyright 1998 - 2004 Wilckodontics, Inc. US Patent #6,109,916.